Is your Granite Maintenance Free and Guaranteed?
Our Brand New process is currently redefining Granite Countertops. Now enjoy MAINTENANCE FREE Granite Countertops with a 15 YEAR Warranty!
The availability of ECOstar is one of the most exciting things we have been able to provide our customers. How about peace of mind, FOR 15 YEARS, are you kidding me? ECOstar has proven itself to physically change the surface of your Granite. After months of extremely challenging tests, The ECOstar process has been approved by the company’s president to carry the Incredible 15 year warranty.
ECOstar is more than a line of products, in fact the products came only after the proprietary process was determined to actually change the surface,unlike anything we have ever seen in the Granite Industry. You see for a small cost to the consumer we can submit your countertops through an intense proprietary process that microscopically changes the face of the granite. This process is so powerful that ECOstar can offer a 15 year warranty.
This process has set Adobe Walls Stonework's apart as well as other ECOstar certified fabricators in their particular market by allowing them to provide a product for very little additional cost to the consumer that is unavailable anywhere else. This technology is so new that nobody even knew it was possible to create a MAINTENANCE FREE Guaranteed Natural Stone, "it's absolutely Incredible". For complete details, please read more here.
If you are even considering the possibility of granite countertops in your home, it would be irresponsible not to understand the benefits of the Eco-Star Process!
- Justin Howe, President
Ensure the Quality of your Granite
Please fill out and submit the warranty registration form below. All fields required for submission.